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    There are 1295 tenders and 552 categories in our website


    Issued by:Ministry for Tourism and Consumer Protection


    MTP/04/2024/CFQServices of an Architect to obtain the n...


    Services of an Architect to obtain the necessary permits and provide drawings for the installation of Self-Cleaning Toilets for the Ministry for Tourism and Public Cleanliness MTP/04/2024/CFQ

    Closing Date2024-03-06
    StatusPast Closing Date

    MTP/04/2024/CFQ Services of an Architect to obtain the ...


    Services of an Architect to obtain the necessary permits and provide drawings for the installation of Self-Cleaning Toilets for the Ministry for Tourism and Public Cleanliness MTP/04/2024/CFQ

    Closing Date2024-03-06
    StatusPast Closing Date