Agriculture (209)
Communications (114)
Computers (561)
Construction (1306)
Education (73)
Electrical (543)
Furniture (249)
Health (2205)
HVAC (107)
Projects (1)
Property (53)
Security (171)
Services (2468)
Supply (1763)
Tender Archive (0)
    Training (96)
    Transport (362)
    There are 1243 tenders and 552 categories in our website

    Tenders Transport Services Water Transport

    Water Transport


    MESD/PM114/24 - Framework for the Service of Water Tran...


    MESD/PM 114/24 - Framework for the Service of Water Transport to Romeo Romano St Venera, Pollinator Garden San Gwann, 7 Giugno Hamrun, Biccieni and Santa Duminka Zabbar MESD/PM 114/24

    Closing Date2024-04-18
    StatusPast Closing Date
    Issued byProject Green