Agriculture (209)
Communications (114)
Computers (561)
Construction (1306)
Education (73)
Electrical (543)
Furniture (249)
Health (2205)
HVAC (106)
Projects (1)
Property (53)
Security (171)
Services (2468)
Supply (1763)
Tender Archive (0)
    Training (96)
    Transport (362)
    There are 1256 tenders and 552 categories in our website

    Tenders Electrical Lighting Service tender for the provision of energy efficient lighting equipment and maintenance of street lighting for the Ħal Qormi Local Council.

    Service tender for the provision of energy efficient lighting equipment and maintenance of street lighting for the Ħal Qormi Local Council.

    Service tender for the provision of energy efficient lighting equipment and maintenance of street lighting for the Ħal Qormi Local Council.

    Tenders will be received at the Ħal Qormi Local Council through ePPS up to 11.00 a.m. on Monday, 1st April, 2024,

    Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/downloaded and submitted ONLY through the etenders website ( ).

    Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will be uploaded and available to view and download from this same website.

    The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any quotation, even the most advantageous.