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    There are 1261 tenders and 552 categories in our website

    Tenders Health Supply ERU2103U24ADevices Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Competitive Calls can be downloaded from the CPSU website.

    ERU2103U24ADevices Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Competitive Calls can be downloaded from the CPSU website.

    Closing Date
    Past Closing Date
    ERU2103U24A – Devices

    Emergency Response Unit (ERU) Competitive Calls can be downloaded from the CPSU website.

    The CEO (Sourcing and Supply Chain Management) for the Central Procurement and Supplies Unit within the Ministry for Health and Active Ageing, notifies that submissions for the below listed ERU Competitive Calls will be received up to 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, 27th March, 2024.

    Submissions for this call for competition are to be submitted as per instructions given in the dossier.