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    Tenders Supply Photographic Equipment CBM 02/2024 Tender for the Leasing of new Energy Efficient Multifunction Printing Devices at the Central Bank of Malta

    CBM 02/2024 Tender for the Leasing of new Energy Efficient Multifunction Printing Devices at the Central Bank of Malta

    Closing Date
    Past Closing Date
    Tender for the Leasing of new Energy Efficient Multifunction Printing Devices at the Central Bank of Malta
    CBM 02/2024

    The purpose of this contract is the leasing of new energy efficient multifunction printing devices to be utilised in various offices of the Bank as per technical and service requirements stipulated in Part C. The amount of new machines to be leased may vary between twelve (12) and fifteen (15) during the entire duration of the Contract, according the exigencies of the Bank. The Contract shall be for a period of five (5) years.